Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday, September 29, 2008

TWILIGHT moved up to 11-21-08!!!!

I have been pretty busy lately, which is why I havent really posted anything, but I have a few minutes before class so here's an update!
First of all.....ROLL TIDE ROLL!!! We are #2! This weekend Meghan, Tori and I went on a retreat this weekend that I helped plan for the Open Door youth/college group back when I still went to church there. It was at the Spray/Brown lake houses. They were so generous to open up their homes to a group of people they had never met. The weather was absolutely perfect! :)
On another note we are pretty sure we found the cause of my 'sickness' that has pleagued me the past couple of isnt a big deal at all and I'm on medicine for it. I can eat now with out getting sick...praise the Lord!!! :)
The past couple of months has been insane. People moving in...people moving out. Our apartment has been a complete disaster (what else is new), however we have finally cleaned and organized and brought my futon it is now finished and pretty much as close to perfect as it can get. The main motivation (besides just wanting it clean) behind finally getting this done dispite our busy schedules (when you are in class all day then go to work with 14 two year olds you just want to go to sleep when you get home...) was that my mom promised to get Meghan and I a sidekick phone like Tori got for her bday if we completely cleaned and kept it organized until we move in January. I dont know if I want a sidekick or not...they are so I convinced mom this weekend to get me a video ipod instead.
On the same note, I will hopefully be getting a computer soon! That will be a relief. Mine died almost a year ago...out of warrenty and with no hope of fixing it. I, along with pretty much everyone who knows me I am sure, am shocked that I have survived this long without one. It is only thanks to Meghan, Megan, Bethany and Alex who have let me use their computers to make videos, and burn them to dvds.
My dad got promoted to Colonel. That's a pretty big deal. The grandkids can now call him 'The Colonel!' (which he hates).

So the reason I wanted to post was because the other night I watched all of my favorite youtube videos and I am going to post

Hillary's favorite Youtube Videos: (in random order...I might rate them later)
1. Backstreet Lip Sync
2. Numa Numa
3. Prison Dance
4. Aicha
5. Teeth-whitening Kit

Well, I have to go to Piano. Solus Christus!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

"So when the devil throws your sins in your face and declares that you deserve death and hell, tell him this: "I admit that I deserve death and hell, what of it? For I know One who suffered and made satisfaction on my behalf. His name is Jesus Christ, Son of God, and where He is there I shall be also!"

"Unless I am convinced by Scripture and by plain reason and not by Popes and councils who have so often contradicted themselves, my conscience is captive to the word of God. To go against conscience is neither right nor safe. I cannot and I will not recant. Here I stand. I can do no other. God help me."

Monday, August 4, 2008

So I left Honduras early and came home. I am so thankful that during the short time I was there I got to....
1. See Evi, Daniel, Irma, Christian and the other translators
2. See sweet little Eva from 2005
3. See Sammy from well every trip we've been on
and finally....
4. Eat at Pizza Hut! -best pizza I have ever eaten....better than pizza in Italy and Pizza Hut here

The few days I was there was a good trip even though I was very sick most of the time. I got to meet some really cool people from the other two churches that went and some cool Hondurans. :)

We flew down to Honduras Saturday July 12. It was a long day but overall a good travel day. We arrived with all our luggage which we were extremely thankful for. Daniel and Evi met us at the airport and it was of course wonderful to see them. Sunday morning we went to New Dawn to church which is a church we helped to build in 2005. It was amazing to see the completed church as well as all of the houses that were not there in 05. Eva was there. She recognized me and I her. She is so big now. I cannot express how happy I am that I got to see her.
New Dawn is a daughter church of Jerusalem Baptist. Jerusalem is Pastor Thomas' church. They have planted around 17 churches I believe in the San Pedro Sula area. Pastor Thomas is amazing. We did a VBS there with the kids as well as puppets. That night we ate at a new place called Family was goood.

Monday we painted New Dawn. It was a good day to bond with the team as we didnt really know each other before.

Tuesday was the hardest day by far. By Tuesday I felt too sick to eat anything. I had a fever off and on all day but still went out. We went to the school in Chaloma. More than once throughout the day I had chill bumps because of the fever....which of course is not normal in the 100+ degree heat. That combined with not being able to eat and out doing stuff was hard but the Lord was good and provided me with the strength and energy I needed to get through the day. Other than being sick it was a wonderful day.

Wednesday I was sick and had to stay in the hotel all day. That day I told mom if Dan were to send me home then I would be ok with it. She knew if I was ok with leaving Honduras- one of
my favorite places I must be sick. So she Dan and Daniel went to the airport to try and change my ticket from Sat. Aug. 26 to the coming up Saturday when the team I came down was leaving. However they could only get one for Thursday...which was the next day. So as disappointed as I was to be leaving so soon I was so sick I was ok with it.

Thursday morning while everyone else went to the market Dan and Daniel took us to the airport. We were on standby for a flight, after we checked our bags, said bye to Dan and Daniel and went upstairs to wait and see if we could both get on the flight (Dan and mom wouldnt let me travel alone due to me being sick...which was a good call). We waited about an hour or so and then in broken English we were paged over the intercom to come downstairs. So we had to go back through the check point or whatever its called....which wasnt so easy when no one spoken English except a guy spoke very broken English. We finally got back downstairs....apparently, and I still have no idea how Dan did it, but he found out that everyone except one person showed up for the flight that we were on standby for and he was changing us over to Delta. He got us both on a delta flight and we headed back to the states. Customs wasnt to bad. I have never been through customs in Atlanta and have heard it is a nightmare, but it wasnt half as bad as Miami was back when we went through there. We finally made it back to Bham later that night. It was a long day but fairly easy one. The flight from Honduras to Atlanta was really nice. There were several empty seats (our whole team could have easily fit on the plane), so mom and I got our own row and she watched a movie while I slept. The flight to bham was so the time you get up in the air you have to come back down.

Anyways it was a good trip. The Lord definitely used my short time in Honduras to teach me several things, including being totally dependant on Him. My mom and I picked up Jameson at the airport the following Saturday and I ate my first meal on the way to the airport. Chick-fil-a is even more wonderful when you haven't eaten five days! It was good to see everyone again...especially since the last time they had seen me I looked and felt sort of like I might just pass out at any second :)

I went to Brook Hills the second Sunday after I got back and saw Haley, Neeley (her sister) so I sat with them...behind Barbie and Alan (what are the chances!?) and in front of Dan's wife Deb.
The week after Honduras (and before I went to Brook Hills) was not very fun. I was much better....went to the doc and she doesnt know what was wrong assumes it was a it was hard being back knowing I was 'supposed' to be in Honduras. It is comforting to rest in the sovereignty of God and know that I was actually supposed to be here that week, but it was still difficult when I have planned for so long to spend two weeks there.

So there's the Honduras trip in a nut shell. :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Here at last!!

We made it to Honduras!! Thanks for all your prayers. We made it through customs around 11. All of our bags made it, praise the Lord!! It was smooth travel day. We were greeted by Daniel and Evi as well as Berto and Little Berto...who isn't so little anymore.

This morning we went to New Dawn Baptist Church. It is one of the daughter churches of Jersulem that we helpt build last year. Brittney and I didnt recognize it. There are nice houses in the field we did the VBS in last time we were there. The church is beautiful and we have lots of pictures. Waiting for us there were our translators, Denise and Caty, were the only ones from previous years. We saw one of the translators that looked a lot like Christian. Brittney and I found out later that he, Daniel, is Christian's younger brother. Also translating this year is Alexa's brother and Jorge's(Horhay) younger brother, Brian. We saw 'The Whistler' and I got him to whistle on film. :) I also saw my Ava from 05. I didnt know if she would recognize me but she was eyeing me throughout the service and then after and throughout the kids sunday school we sat together. She is so precious! Evi was talking to her grandmother and told me that she has the picture of Ava and I up at their house. We will be going back on Wednesday and I will be returning the next Sunday and Wednesday. We went to Jerusalem tonight. It was great. We saw Jorge (Horhay) . We did puppets and crafts with the kids as well as a lesson from Desiring God for Kids.

Some things you can be praying for: health, that the entire team will remain healthy and we wont get 'the amoeba' and also things like homesickness and such; the hearts of the people we come in contact with; we would be an encouragement to the church down here; and finally that our team would continue to unite as it is three different churches....there are some really cool people :)

That's about all for now. The connection isnt very good and I am on Daniel and Evi's computer. Thanks for your prayers, and please continue to pray that God will draw the people we come in contact with to Himself and lead them to repent and believe in the Gospel.

Solus Christus

By the way all I have to say is ´O los tornillos muy socados, o los tornillos muy flojos, pero algo no esta bien!´ -Daniel...2005

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Beginning

So I haven't quite finished with the layout but I should have time to work on that tomorrow at the airport during our layover. I can't believe I am finally returning to Honduras tomorrow! It has been three years since my last visit. The last time I went was 2005, the summer before my senior year. It seems like ages ago. It's crazy to me that last time I was in Honduras I didnt know, or didnt know well a lot of those who have become, and are becoming (Joy Beth:) ) my family here in Tuscaloosa. I obviously already knew Bethany, Alex and Meghan, but it's hard to think of a time when I didnt know Megan and Daryl. It's kind of depressing to think about life without them. Since I have been to Honduras some very significant things have happened in my life...
I graduated...
Moved to the holy land...I became part of Big Delores' gang,
Bethany and Alex got married...
I met Megan and Daryl...
and they got married....
I got mugged at gunpoint...
(alive and well at the new apt)
The 4 Pack has been established and will be reunited about a week or two after my return to the states...
I started working at my church's daycare with my one year olds and have discovered that I LOVE kids....never would have guessed that one....
and that is good since I am finally going to be an aunt at the beginning of January!!
Also since I have last been to Honduras or on a plane (I went to Seattle over Spring Break my senior year) I have been sucked into the world of LOST so this will be the first plane ride since watching. But now I know if we crash on a mysterious island, befriend the doctor and stick close to him. It shouldnt be very tricky. If the Oceanic 6 can survive a mysterious island with monsters and bad guys that are actually, "The good guys John," I can.

Anyways in preparation for this trip I have been re-reading bits of Piper's Let The Nations Be Glad instead of packing which I still have to do before I go to work this afternoon.
A couple of quick thoughts on missions from Let The Nations Be Glad:

"Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn't. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate not man. When this age is over, and countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God, missions will be no more. It is a temporary necessity. But worship abides forever. Worship, therefore, is the fuel and goal of missions. It's the goal of missions because in missions we simply aim to bring the nations into the white-hot enjoyment of God's glory. The goal of missions is the gladness of the people in the greatness of God. (Psalm 67:3-4 and Psalm 97:1) But worship is also the fuel of missions. Passion for God in worship precedes the offer of God in preaching. You cant commend what you don't cherish....Missions begins and ends in worship."

"All history is moving toward one great goal, the white-hot worship of God and his Son among all the peoples of the earth. Missions is not that goal, it is the means. And for that reason it is the second greatest human activity in the world."

I really must go now...but I will post again before I leave for Honduras and hope to post while I'm there.

Solus Christus!